Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Zhangjiajie Forest Park, Hunan Province, China. January 2014

The sandstone pillars in the park are just amazing.
Looking down on the monkeys that were sitting on the top of a tree was cool. 
Our group by a natural bridge - Stephen, Michelle, Raphy, Julie and Jonathan.
The restaurants were freezing but we had some very nice food.  Required attire for a 200 meter slide.

The hole in the rock is huge, a jet has flown through it.  Jonathan and I on the glass walkway.
Cindy, Raphy, Michelle, Stephen and Jonathan.  Jonathan on the normal walkway.

We enjoyed a short boat trip in the park.  Woman washing clothes in the rivers is very common in the country.
The water would have been bloody cold as well.
People in the park.

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